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 Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate

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Immature angry child
Immature angry child

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Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate Empty
PostSubject: Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate   Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 5:17 am

Name: Yomi Hana
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 110lbs

Appearance: Yomi is a girl whom seems to stand out in a crowd, and not just because of her temper. A bit above average in height she doesn’t try to hide it, in fact she could really care less, all people are pricks anyway so why care really? Well there is one thing that she cares for, and that is actually dressing in a modest manor, well for the most part. Aside for the occasional combat gear (Because if a man doesn’t look at her half naked she knows they are pure evil.) she tends to wear “normal” clothing. This is to say world of the living clothing, and that she steals them at random really. Whatever suits her fancy at the time leads her to move from one style to the next. Normally however she will be seen wearing some kind of dress, or skirt especially if it is formal (And she has to attend). Normally though when she is on duty or just trying to act like she really cares (Which she doesn’t) Yomi will wear her Shihakushō if only because she is on duty and believes it should be noted as such.

Her hair is that of a deep purple in color, and normally worn straight, and loose, too much of a hassle if she has to do it any other way. Her hair is quite long, stretching down to her hips in length, though the only real reason for it being so long is that she got lazy, and didn’t care to cut it. She now views it as a source of pride almost, something that has her feeling more like herself than others. Her eyes of that of an Onyx in color, making her stare sometimes feel cold and like a void, if only because half of the freaking time it is a cold void. Never the less her strange eye color has just lead her to not give even more of a crap about what people say and think. Her eyes are on the Caucasian side, while her skin is more on the Asian side of her heritage; making her appear to have quite the tan. It has been noted, and even screamed by her that she is well endowed as a human being, though she personally hates it if only because it can become a pain in the ass at times, not to mention she does have a face which is located on her head, and not chest.


Race: Asian/Caucasian
Soul race: Shinigami
Hair color: Deep purple
Eye color: Onyx
Body type: Small, Athletic
Country of origin: Severn

Personality: Yomi comes off as a bitch to most, and a minor annoyance to others. Generally it is either her snide remarks, or her just general ‘I should care why?” attitude that makes her seem like she well doesn’t care. This is not because she doesn’t care, but more because she feels showing she does care means she will have to deal with you more than normal. If you don’t feel like reading the following just look up the term Tsudere.

Anger: This is an emotion Yomi knows well, or at least knows how to fake well. It is an emotion which runs through her faster than river downstream. Normally when she is angry I would recommend running for the high heavens, or at the very least hiding all forms of blackmail able material in a safe underground in the middle of nowhere so she can’t find it and use it against you. I would also recommend hiding your children, as she will hurt them along with raping your churches and burning your women.

Joy: This is something she rarely really shows, alright maybe not. Joy in hurting others, her coffee in the morning, beating a baby, hitting your mom, black mailing you, helping without others knowing etc. Normally though if she does show it you deserve a medal of honor. Though it is important to note that while she does experience joy, she just is stubborn and likes to put up a face of not liking it.

Love: This is something that she knows of, but rarely wishes to really experience with another if only because of her own fears. Generally though she will show love, if only through backdoor methods where the person won’t know she helped them, or is showing it. Secretly though she does want someone to care about her, but her own stubborn methods of acting prevent her from really showing this, making her quite the unique person when she is alone and thinking.

Humility: Believe it or not Yomi is actually a humble person. Never one to really take credit for anything as long as it gets done, she really could care less who did it. Not one to take glory for herself, if she has an army staring at you, she won’t fight you but tell them to just gun you the hell down. If you try to give her credit for it you will most likely just have to ignore her, and say that she did it of course then you will experience her anger. Which is basically the same as her anger, and just be prepared to hide behind someone for cover you will need it.

Sorrow: She doesn’t experience it often that’s for sure. She feels bored, or lonely at times, but never really sad, in fact it would be quite strange if she was seen being sad. Only twice has she ever been sad. The great coffee shortage two hundred years ago, and back when she learned about something… something unique. Other than that if Yomi is sad, and I mean sad there is a problem going on, and you should most likely give her a hug.

General Aspects:

  • Stamina: 1
  • Reiatsu: 4
  • Dexterity: 4

Race specific Aspects:

  • Kenjutsu: 2
  • Enhanced Reiatsu: 2
  • Reiatsu Pressure: 0

Reserve: 0

IC post count: 63

Threads RPed in: Drinking the Night away.

Visit From an Old Yet New Friend

Ability: Itazura Kitsune

background: Yomi was born within the strange lands that few trend. Lands which are filled with wonder and excitement as well as various animals, a world which knows no end, a world which knows no sorrow, it is a world which is at peace. Not really she was born in Australia, to a family whom just wished to live a normal life, something it seems no one can really live. Being born into a normal family living wise she had very little to actually worry about early on in fact she is what some would consider to be a spoiled brat on occasion. Early years of Yomi’s life being filled with the normal things going to school, getting picked on decking the child whom picked on her, getting yelled at by her parents, and then told to hit him harder, all the normal stuff in life. It was uneventful, and quite nice despite her being the brat she was about it. Action was really lacking or anything different really. Well she would soon get plenty of action.

When Yomi was but a girl of sixteen, she was quite the little bitch, her own passion for the world being felled by reality, that she is nothing but just a person, that’s right Yomi went through an emo phase. Feeling the pressure of the world around her she wished to escape somewhere, and as such managed to talk her parents into allowing her and a few friends to go out of the country to a wonderful place Hawaii. It was a fun trip for a birthday bash, quite enjoyable were the events planned. Different islands to see different people to meet, plans to get nailed by her boyfriend she snuck along all the wonderful innocent childhood dreams that will come true of course yes that one. It was just a simple trip, they arrived on time, they got settled into the hotel rooms that they had rented, and were preparing for the next day, with a healthy dose of sleep (Yes actual sleep).

Within the dead of night figures approached the hotel their own intentions much less pleasant than that of our little “hero”. Moving throughout the hotel, and taking out those in their way as well as the security system, the group of figures moving within the room to engage the sleeping targets. In the fastest of moves but one person was taken from the hotel room while the others were simply left to sleep. Blind folded and bound the girl was taken away from her friends, and her life as the car moved from point A to point B never to be seen again. Awaking within a dark room in something out of a bad porn movie Yomi looked around only to find nothing but hopelessness others around her seeming to be suffering as she figured she would be. All that she remembered from that point on however was the pain of a needle in her arm, and silence eternal. Time flowed on like no tomorrow, there was no night or morning, no real existence just noise and then silence, noise and silence.

One day however the silence continued, and continued, and continued herself feeling weaker as time went on, and finally it was as if she no longer existed within the world. No literally she didn’t exist in the world anymore she had died right then and there due to drug overdose from the ones whom had captured her, and sitting there her soul chain bound to the bed Yomi finally managed to look around the room, and see both herself and where she had been kept. Needless to say she didn’t like what she saw, but more importantly she saw a man there in a black robe like outfit looking down upon her. His gaze direct, and kind as he pointed the end of his sword’s hilt towards her and had it begin to glow he spoke out. His words filled with knowledge she didn’t care to remember, all she heard was, “Peace, and leaving this place”. Half way thinking he was a pervert as well, she just figured nothing else could go wrong so in the middle of his little speech she just grabbed his sword and smacked herself on the forehead with it saying “Too slow dumbass”.

Her life was quiet within the soul society, she spent most of her days doing very little overall, just chilling and hanging out with others, finally feeling as if a burden was off of her. It hadn’t been long however before she began to feel as if someone, or something rather was following her. Mostly wishing it would just go away it was if it kept yelling at her in a voice she couldn’t understand. Finally she saw it the little thing that had been following her, and taking it by the collar she began to question why it was following her, only to get the same response out of it as before, nothing but riddles and a smirk. Most would have given up right then and there, and just said screw it, but not Yomi she said screw it and hitting the little twisted jerk she kept asking what the hell it was and why it was bugging her for the past year.

Finally responding half decently the little jerk of a spirit questioned Yomi to actually guess just one thing and she would explain everything. It was quite simple but difficult all the same , and it would take her several years to discover the name of the little spirit that now seemed to plague her mind. It was a long and intense training session in which she finally learned the name of the spirit annoying her. A little boy throwing a rock at her head, was all it took. That’s right Yomi learned the name of her Zanpakuto via getting hit with a rock to the back of the head. Confronting the spirit and mentioning what her name was to her, the spirit just smirked a bit as a ring formed around Yomi’s right ring finger. Looking over towards her right hand Yomi just let out a sigh, and before even being allowed to yell at the spirit it went on about how she was a part of Yomi and basically they would be stuck together forever. Never has the word fuck been heard yelled across such a distance as that day, many thinking it was the sign of the apocalypse.

The next few years were followed by Yomi just speaking to her spirit, learning what to do, partying and relaxing. One day however one of her buddies after noticing that she was slightly different from others in the way of talking to something not there, he decided to report her to the Seireitei. The next day two Shinigami came only to have to take Yomi away to go to the shinigami academy by force. The two of them not unscathed from theirs and Yomi’s meeting, One of them came back with bite marks on his arm, and the other with what could be described as a foot imprint that seemed to go up his ass.

As the years rolled by Yomi seemed to take a liking to her training, to the point of they provide her with what she needs, and she doesn’t do anything else, and fakes most of her learning. Once however she actually tricked one of the teachers into believing she did not have a Zanpakuto because of the fact that she was never loved, and that she was adopted by polar bears. Obviously he was drunk at the time, but it just goes to show how much she cared about her work. Taking a while to finally graduate on standards that were pathetic, Yomi moved into the different divisions of the Seireitei’s shinigami organization. Not being really picked out and frankly sent on all the easy stupidly easy in fact, missions she was viewed as nothing more than a weakling. Normally one would be out to prove them wrong, but she wasn’t hell she liked it a nice life filled with an easy job it was enough for her, and all she had to do was never use the zan that she had, whom she hated anyway so it all worked out in the end. She has so far spent a total of three years within the division of North Alpha, a nice spot though she felt it was just a little bit too far away from something within her past. That feeling would have to wait under her own feelings of contentment however as she continues to live her life as if nothing is wrong, and it is just perfect, well for her habits that is.

Last edited by Pikante on Fri Oct 29, 2010 5:06 am; edited 6 times in total
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate   Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 11:14 am

Imma say... +50? Agreements, Disagreements? Counter offers?
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Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate   Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 3:58 pm

Yar. That sounds good to me. Let it be so!
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Immature angry child
Immature angry child

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PostSubject: Re: Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate   Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 6:39 pm

And done.
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The Banhammer

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PostSubject: Re: Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate   Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 13, 2010 6:44 pm

Approved then
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PostSubject: Re: Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate   Yomi Hana Shinigami: North Gate I_icon_minitime

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