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 Visit from an old, yet new, friend.

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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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Age : 31
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Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 8:12 pm

After much contemplation with himself, Lyte decided it was time for him to see an old friend, well if you could call her that, again. It had been a few weeks since Lyte had last seen Yomi, but he decided he wanted to see if she'd changed since their last meet. He had given her a few words to think about, where honestly he was now feeling he should not have said. He wandered around the Seireitei, thinking to himself on his way to the northern barracks. He aws thinking about the time he had been gone. He looked down at his Zan's hilt, now, the only thing left of his old blade, now shattered, and frowned. He had normally rested his hand on his hilt, however now, along with his blade, nothing lay with him but a hilt.

Super amazingly awsome flashback of destiny!!!

It was actually that very night he last met with Yomi where Lyte had left the SS for his training. Ever since his battle with the bount over in Vegas he felt that his strengths simply werent enough. That night Lyte had looked deep inside himself and called out Tadashii. His Zan's spirit was a guardian angel, a holy spirit. Lyte met the angels eyes and it held a face with no expression. "What is the perpose of calling me here Lyte. You and I both know that you are not yet ready to unleash the full potential of this blade." Lyte's eyes met the floor as he walked through the dimley lit streets of the Rukongai, followed slowly by Tadashii.

Lyte walked the streets, keeping his eyes on the dirt road before him. He got slower and slower with each step until he finally came to a hault. He looked up to the stars and gazed. "Tadashii..." Lyte turned his head to his spirit and then back up to the stars. "Tadashii, whether you think I'm ready to release Bankai is not up to you. I need the strength... I need to become one with this blade. One with you. As much as it pains me to say it, I cant fight to protect anymore. I need to unleash your true strength." Lyte turned his head back and cocked a smile. "Tadashii, Ive come to realise something. You are an arrogant bastard, you know that?" Lyte pulled his sword from its sheath and it changed into its shikai form.

Tadashii still baring little to no expression put his hand over his sword pommel. "What are you going to fight me Lyte? Are you going to defeat me in a chance to unleash my true strengths? Well I asure you, although I am supposed hope that you can gain my powers, you have no right to use them. I'll give you a challange. If you can best me in sword play, I will allow you the use of my Bankai, but if when I win I will no longer be of service to you, and I shall lock myself behind your blade, never to be used by you again. Of course, you can still call this off until you really are ready to take my Bankai form." He unsheathed his sword and moved his bangs out from his face and behind his ear.

Lyte spun his swords around in his hands. "You see? that is just the arrogance Im talking about. Lyte smirked and locked eyes with the angel. Lytes expression changed into a tyrant of sorts. His fists clenched over his blade and his brow turned fierce, Tadashii I'm going to kill you know. he growled. Lyte charged Tadashii with great speeds. He brought both his blades down on him however his left hand seemed to just flow. Suprised by this, when Tadashii blocked Lyte's attack, he was left open and was kicked back. Lyte skidded across the dirt and ended on his feet. He looked to his left hand, nothing, and into his right was nothing but his standard Zan. "What?" he gasped. He looked up at Tadashii who still held a blank face. "Lyte this is your blade. You use that, and Ill use mine. Hmm... needs some sharpening." He looked at his blade and slashed at the air. Lyte got back up to his feet and ran towards Tadashii.

Lyte had jumped into the air attempting to come down of Tadashii, but he flew back and jumped up into the sky. He flew into the air and yelled down to Lyte, "My pour boy this is childs play." Lyte yeled out and jumped up into the sky. He collided with Tadashii and the went crashing back down to the ground. Lyte came out swinging like a storm of blades, a berserk attack fuled by nothing rage, but more than rage. It was passion the drove his wild arms, passion for becoming all that he could be. This was his drive. Lyte lived for fighting and this was all that flowed into his mind now. His arms, seemingly flailing around aimlessly where actually very persice, however only a true swordsman could see the differance. Tadashi blocked each and every attack like it was childs play. His arm speedily colliding with each incoming attack, Tadashii actually started to sweat. Lyte grinned as his furious attacks kept pounding at the blade with devistating force. With one brute his their blades sparked, grinding against each other. Lyte grunted, pushing more against his blade, Tadashii, still emotionless. Lyte yelled and swung his blade pushing Tadashii back. "You have strength Ill give you that." Tadashii came at Lyte with blinding speed, his wings giving him a terrifying appearance. With each slash they collided pushing each other on their heals. sparks flew with each hit. Lyte gritted his teeth, Tadashii, you were a great asset to me, but I need more now. Im sorry, but you are my blade, I am your master, and I need your strength!" Lyte pushed and rolled off of Tadashii's angelic sword. In a swift, solid movement, Lyte got under Tadashii's wing and behind him and pierced streight through Tadashii's chest. He took in a deep, gaping breath and dropped his sword. Lyte pushed on his blade harder and twisted. "Ahhh!" Tadashii cried out. His wings started to fade away into nothingness, just as Lyte's blade did. Lyte released his blade and lokoed at his hands, and around him in confusion. "Tadashii, what is this?!" Tadashii's knees hit the ground. "Lyte... I told you that you were not ready for this. You have broken the spirit within your Zan and I am now fading. You tried taking my powers for greed, when you know this is not the way. My powers were ment to protect, not destory. I could not let you use them wrongly. I am not your true blade Lyte. Thanatos... Thanatos will now stand in my place. If of course, you manage to make him arise again... With his last breath all of Tadashii had now desipated into the air. Lyte looked to his hands and yelled into the night sky in anger.

As Lyte walked down the streets of the Rukongai and back into the Seireitei, he couldnt keep the word out of his mind. 'Thanatos,' he thought. He had heard the name once before. It was the name of the hollow that lurked inside him, and it was now that name that he sought. From what it sounded like, Thantos was the replacement of Tadashii. Thanatos was the spirit of his new blade, or so he'd hoped. But how could he unleash its power? Lyte needed answers.

~The present!~

Lyte had taken in a deep breath now and entered the gates of the barracks. He was actually seeking The Captain General of the Northern district, Captain Chester Johnston. Lyte remebered hearing about an old battle he that the he had fought a long time ago with a hollow of great strengths. He had decided, shearly out of blunt headed-ness, that this would be a good person to learn from about Hollows and what strengths they had, or perhaps a way to release one. He had hoped that the captain general could help Lyte get his new blade. He had also hoped that Yomi, by chance, could have a possible hook up, and a way to see Johnston. This was the only reason he came to see Yomi, well, for the most part. He had also come to troll her a little bit, or see if she had stopped being a little pirck, but it was all in good fun.

He looked around and saw a few of the shinigami practicing, a few of them bowed as Lyte passed, showing repects, others just carried on with their business. He looked around for Yomi but it was to no aveil. He walked up to one of the Shinigami who was chatting and seemed to be on her lunch break. "Uhh, Lieutenant Lyte, sir!" She bowed in respects and stood at attention. Lyte looked around as he saw a few others do the same when the noticed who he was and that he was actually there. "At ease," he said, motiong his hands for them to sit back down. "N-now sir, wha-what can I do for you?" She seemed a little pressured by him being here, perhaps the pour girl thought she was in trouble of some sort. Relax, im here looking for someone. Here name is Yomi, Id give a last name, but sadly I dont know it. She gulped and seemed to releave some tension from her shoulders as he said he was here form someone else. She nodded, "Yes yes, she's over there sir," She pointed to the training grounds and he saw her walking around, maybe getting her food or something. He nodded and walked over to her, "Ahh Yomi, there's my favorite dominatrix." He smirked and laughed a little to himself, "I just thought I'd drop by and see how things where with you, anything new and excieting? Make any little kids cry resently?" He crossed his arms and smirked to her.
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Immature angry child
Immature angry child

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Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 9:07 pm

It had been hell for her. Many things had taken place over the course of but a short while, and all of it seemed to bring back memories of horror. She sat there looking at nothing, nothing but the empty yet crowded space of the mess hall. The lights around seeming to just spin, and cloud the room with an eternal nightmare. It would be of no surprise then to find out that she was not all together as of this moment. So when Lyte decided to show up, and begin to insult her slightly, her glazed over eyes, seemed to let out a feeling of well depression. Her voice speaking in a faint tone almost as if one would have to be purposely listening to her. Oh... uh fine I suppose, sorry I have places to be right now... just excuse me...

Rising from the table, and turning to walk away from him, her manor isms seeming to simulate something deeper than what she had previously been like. From the shadows however came another figure, one whom stalked the night and filled the hearts of everyone with... beer?

Hello there Lieutenant Lyte, what's a soul such as yourself doing within my companies barracks?

Captain freeman's voice seeming to be filled with cheer, and a bit of dismay, Tell me kid why is it that you that you around here and asking to see Yomi, she is just like all the other officers... don't tell me you have a crush huh? Ah that must be it, young love how sweet it must be to feel that once again, oh well, I suppose it is a good thing I was enjoying my afternoon coffee, there is something I should tell ya about what happened to her, though more in private, would you mind following me to my private quarters for a bit? I am sure it won't bore you too much, just the standard stuff that happens between everyone, but if you are interested in her then it would be helpful to know.

His expression, and hand pointing off towards the exit to the mess hall, and towards the actual barracks of the company. His smile signifying that he was waiting patiently for a reply.
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 9:37 pm

When Yomi completely blew him off he almost felt bad for calling her a dominatrix... When Freeman came up to him he didnt make eye contact. He pointed over to Yomi then turned back to Freeman, "She gonna be alright?" he asked as they started walking back to his barracks.

As they headed off he grinned to the old captain, Its good to see you captain, sorry for the ill response earlier, its just that kind of took me by suprise. Normally she's well normally she's a bitch... She seemed a bit depressed. Oh well, back to business. Anyway, I actually didnt come to see her specifically and no, there is nothing between us... 'Young love' as you call it," he air quoted, "Is far out of the question. I simply came to her because frankly she is the only one I know here really. But perhaps yuou can help me. I want to know more about Hollows. I would have gone to Shin but I was told he is out on business so I awnted to see Captain Johnston and hoped Yomi could assist me with that, which reminds me, you know what happened to her?"

As they walked into his private office, it looked a lot like his own room but more... I dont know, more captain-ee? He took a seat and waited for Freeman to make himself comfortable.
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Immature angry child
Immature angry child

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Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 10:21 pm

As he moved into his office, Chrispin Freeman, took a seat behind his desk, his face seeming to glide over the various things upon his desk. His attention however focused back onto Lyte, as he looked towards the boy.

Hmm so you want to know about hollows correct? Yes I could tell you about them to a certain extent, though why is it that you want to bother old chet with such a trivial question? Could it be that you are feeling as if you need to ask someone whom has experience huh? Well I can tell you from my own that I know quite a bit about hollows, and you may feel free to ask away, as someone in your position should at least know what they are like in reality.

His grin seeming to change from one of confidence, to one of seriousness.

Though before we go into that I suppose I should answer the quicker of the questions that you must be having. I can tell you what happened to Yomi, or rather I think you have a right to know seeing as how you wished to see her, even if it was just to ahem.. use her? He had a smile grow upon his face slightly. It isn't really anything special, well that all of us could find special, except for one thing. Her squad was wiped out in a patrol to root out hollows within the world of the living, however there is more to it then that. How she survived in and of itself could only be considered a miracle, for one of her written talent... yeah written talent. Any who boy, all that happened is that she made it back alive, but the real key point was the other being there, which took my presence to get rid of, and even then it seemed as if it wasn't phased... that Reiatsu it was as if it was different from anything I have felt before. Oh well needless to say she blames herself for their deaths in all honesty it isn't her fault, but there is no sense in cheering her up. Oh well feel free to ask about the hollows hmm? Though you should know most of it by now... unless you are keeping a secret huh kid?
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

Posts : 105
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Age : 31
Location : Concord

Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 11:28 pm

Lyte was quiet as he leaned back in his chair and soaked in all the information. 'Wow... How, what... What kind of monster...' he looked down and touched his chest, clenching his fingers a bit. 'And to think I might have something like that inside me, trying to gain control of my body... And yet I need to find a way to release it... But she... That pour, pour girl.' He glanced up a bit, and his eyes began to scan aimlessly around the room."So Yomi... Heh..." Lyte smiled often like people do when scared or threatened, Captain Freeman... If I may speak, can this be... off the record please... Yomi...

Lyte was quiet for a bit as he sat, still trying to absorb all that was relayed to him. I cant do anything for her but to try and comfort her and the like so please, make sure she stays well. Although her and I do not have, how would you say, a normal friendship I guess, I do not wish harm upon her so please, just make sure she recovers okay. He leaned forward and twiddled with his thumbs. He put his hand on the handle of his blade and pulled it out from the sheath. No blade nor hilt guard remained, simpy a handle, blade slot, and sheath. He tossed it around in his hand and grabbed it out of the air. "Captain, You know of my relations with Shin correct? He truely is my captain. He is the one who trained me and taught me almost everything I know. But this... My Zan... I didnt even know this could happen. Captain Freeman, The spirit within my blade has been killed. I didnt even know it was possible, but in trying to gain greater power, trying to unlock my bankai, I fought Tadashii... And I killed him. He told me that only one name, Thanatos, that he would thake Tadashii's place if I followed the proper path, but. Crispen, Im not a bag guy, but Thanatos. Ive only heard that name once before. It was said when I was told the name of my... My inner hollow. Is this- could this even be possible?" Lyte looked to Freeman with a face of nothing but a scared and confused puppy. He had no idea what was to happen to him, and at the same time, he had just been told that Yomi, a girl he thought tough as nails, had basically caved in on herself due to a tragity that cannot even be fully explained. Lyte's world began to crumble at his feet. He needed help.
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Immature angry child
Immature angry child

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Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:01 am

Chrispin simply nodded as the boy went on about how he wished Yomi well. They all did, as they did with any whom within their company. It was truly a sad day when anyone had to go through anything like that, and she wasn't alone on the front either. All the loved ones had been informed of the others passings as well, all of them feeling the same, but it was a subject best left to continue on in private. What the boy now seemed to bring up was something that was not unheard of, but still quite rare. He killed his spirit? Normally it is another whom can destroy ones Reiatsu, not the one whom has it, but still it is possible that...

Lyte what I have to say may dishearten you, but this has happened before, a few times in fact. Most whom lose their spirits just go on to becoming members of nobility or council for those whom can still fight, but you don't seem to have lost Reiatsu to the point beyond redemption. That name you said, and inner hollow? Such things do not...

Getting up from his seat in the blink of an eye, he vanish from sight only to reappear by the window. Closing the shutters, and chanting quietly, he placed a barrier over what seemed to be the whole room. His face turning stern as he turned to look at Lyte.

What I am about to say was never said Lyte. There have been instances of inner hollows, and all those whom have it plague them have either become hollows themselves... or have been killed, all except for two within the entire history of the soul society. One of them was a long time ago in an era long gone, but one is not so far away... But for that I will have to tell you a story, so listen closely, and you will learn much.

He took a bit of a pause before continuing.

Lyte, in the history of the Soul Society there has only ever been three times where we faced complete annihilation, One way back when, far in the past, one more towards the beginning of the AD era, and six hundred years ago. The first time was due to our own arrogance, and was when the structure of the Seireitei was established. The second time was due to Hollowifed soul reapers whom desired vengeance... and the third was the worst of all. It was due to a hollow whom managed to gain more power than we really thought possible not only in numbers but in pure strength. Lyte I mention this because that hollow that appeared over six hundred years ago, took the life of my only daughter... or so the records you shall find state. In reality she still lives on, as the one and only Shinigami to survive the curtain of our guards. Lyte if I were you I would seek her out, and run far from this place, for if what you say is true then they will kill you in a heartbeat. Especially Marcus. But enough of this I should want you still that if you want to know the real secret of the soul society the only ones whom can tell you are myself, Chester, Shin, Marcus, as we are the only captains left after the battle six hundred years ago. Overall the moral of my lesson to you today and why I am telling you this is because, I want you to live, if only as a testament to my daughter whom can no longer return. Lyte I can arrange for you to go to the world of the living, just let me know when you need to leave for there... but be warned it will not be easy with a broken Zanpaktou such as your's there hollows may attack.. but most of all I should warn you that the hollow I spoke of that attacked six hundred years ago... is still alive, and she found quite an interest in in my daughter Alice when she was becoming hollowifed, so much so that I had to intervene and buy time for her to run... something about being her type in deit.... meaning that, that hollow is a canibal she won't attack humans, quincy, or even shinigami, but if you have a hollow Reiatsu... run. All I can tell you of my daughters whereabouts are this. Try looking in a place that might have.... good booze, and manufacture it quite a bit.

Lifting the barrier he sat behind his desk once again, So shall that be all, or do you wish to discuss the joint mission between north and west in more detail Lyte?
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

Posts : 105
Join date : 2010-07-31
Age : 31
Location : Concord

Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:34 am

Lyte shook his head in disbelief, he knew that Chrispin was trying to save him. Lyte's world had literally began to disappear under his feet, but maybe. Maybe Alice, Freemans daughter could help him. Maybe she could make everything make sense again and give Lyte strengths once more. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Okay... It seems I dont really have a choice in the matter so I want to leave as soon as possible..."

Lyte was still trying to get a grip of the whole situation but he felt that this was the only way he could gain his powers back. Lyte wanted to leave before anyone had noticed. He had so many things that he would have to leave unfinished. So many things that he had hoped to accomplish but now, now he had no idea if he would ever enen come back to this place. "Just do me the favor of playing dumb okay? All they need to know is I'm MIA... Im ready when you are Freeman. And thank you for this. Youre a great man, and a great captain."
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Immature angry child
Immature angry child

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Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:58 am

Hmm who are you, you remind me of someone that I once knew... some Lyte or something or other, good LT.

His voice seeming to be cheerful as he made his way over towards the door. Opening it he let himself out as he turned to look over towards Lyte.

Before you go though, it might be a good idea to see Yomi huh? Might be able to help her a bit more than I can as her Superior. Not like I am running the bar right now, and booze won't really help her right now, but another will. Might do you some good too, I will just be waiting by the Senkaimon. And with that he was gone...

-Meanwhile somewhere off in some woods that we don't really know how they got there-

Damn it... it's because of me that... it isn't your fault, well okay it IS, but at the same time it's not THAT bad, people die all the time right? I don't think you get the part involving me being able to save them, but not due to me not wanting to lose what I hold dear to me.... what pride? Because that doesn't seem like you... oh you mean your dad, and all of them. Well I suppose if you did call out my name during that time, and used my shikai you might have been promoted, and thusly not able to stick by his side, and all the others, but is it really a bad thing they would be proud of you kid. It would make them happy I think. Happy... maybe but at the same time I wouldn't be there for any of them, but then again I wasn't there for any of my squad mates because of it... damn it I didn't even want this kind of life anyway, I didn't want it but they gave it to me... because they wanted to see my talent used... but at what cost leaving them? Being a horrible daughter, and caretaker. No one else seems to understand but that's fine. I just need to get better on my own, and become stronger by myself. Itazura Kistune, you keep bringing pain to me by existing. This all started with you I don't want you to help me anymore, so just.. vanish please. Well if it's what you want, but it won't really help you much, you should just at least try to like my powers, at least you get to have some tails and awesome hearing. Plus plenty of people like fox, and cat girls they are cute. Especially with a swimsuit.

Glaring towards Itazura Kitsune Yomi just sighed slightly as she tried to focus Kido over her arm to no avail. The tree she had been hitting having nothing but blood, and slight damage upon it. It seemed all that she did was pointless, and maybe Freeman did have a point... that man knew so much more than her, and he could spot what needed to be done when it did, but at the same time she didn't want o believe it. Fighting with her zan would only bring her farther away from others that she wanted to defend, and help.
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

Posts : 105
Join date : 2010-07-31
Age : 31
Location : Concord

Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 1:26 am

Lyte turned his head towards the door and nodded. "Okay, Ill be there as soon as I can." He opened the door and started to look for Yomi. He thought that it would be a good idea indeed to see her before he left. He looked around for her and got a few pointers from those who saw her last. He was directed into the forest and began to hear what sounded like Yomi arguing with someone. As he got closer to the voices He raised a brow, "My my my, what is this? A Zan spirit hmm? Somebodies keeping seeecreeets." Lyte took a few steps closer and sat next to her. "Just thought I'd say hello once more before I left. Ive got some... stuff... to do." Lyte turned his head away for a sec. "Anyway... Listen, I wanted to say I'm sorry for ealier, I... I feel like you needed it. Listen, I know you and I didnt get off on the best of starts but if you ever see me around again, dont forget to say 'hey', alright?" Lyte thought about reaching out for a hug but then second guessed himself and thought eaither she would bitch his arms off or just emo over and ignore it. He sat next to her and put his hand on her leg and patted it in a reassuring manner. He put his arms over his knees and grinned to her.
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Immature angry child
Immature angry child

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Location : United states, Cali

Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 3:22 am

First thoughts were that he was just gonna bitch her out, but no he commented upon Itazura Kitsune being there, and how he could see her. Yep that is just what she needed to make her day all better, someone else noticing the fact that she had the secret of knowing her zans spirit. I suppose, you figured me out, please just, don't tell anyone that I well know my Zanpaktou, if others found out about it then well... I lets jut say it's complicated to the point where I wish I had never really been introduced into the seireitei, and became a soul reaper. But you are leaving huh? What is the point of you leaving any... well I guess I won't ask, but thank you for at least saying something kind to me... sorry if I put up the act of being a well... a bitch it's just that I don't want other Shinigami to get close to me for the reason that they will then... Figure out that I exist! Yes figure out that she exists... thank you for that commentary. Aww you know me just here doin' my job, willing to teach you bankai for just the price of you passing my trials, nothing too hard hmm? I mean you already oh so enjoy my shikai~

A sigh would have been appropriate right now, but no need to do such a thing, as it was always so obvious that performing one would only be a sad show off of nothing. Well the only reason we didn't is because of me being stupid self... well not stupid just different in ideals is all I think, and goals. I will though if I do see you, and I won't ask why you are leaving as I said before just don't be too careless, alright I don't want to hear that another person I knew died do you hear me? It might drive me off the deep end right now... Nah you will be fine~ she stated moving on top of Yomi's head and sighing slightly, Your hair is so nice, and soft, like a big comfy pillow that should totally freaking learn bankai from me. knowing you I would have to murder orphans in order to learn it. Nah~ that's too easy, you're gonna have it worse. All you have to do is simple admit within your whole heart that you need me, and enjoy the shikai form. Oh and also you will need to make me feel the one feeling that you do not desire to feel right now. Looking over towards Lyte she just grunted a bit. Should you really be saying what I need to do in order to get it in front of another. Nah it's fine he is kind of cute, and the cute ones never really do anything too bad. Anyway you just need to make me feel that which you do not... What would that be joy? Anger I show anger allot. Nah harder than that... it's Love <3, but not in the way of jumping this guy next to you and giving him a smooch, more like love for yourself, if you know what I mean. ... go die? This could take a while~

Shaking her head slightly, Yomi looked over towards Lyte, Sorry she is a bit annoying... but anyway I wish you well on your journey, but does this mean that you will no longer be a lieutenant or, is just a paid leave... as I don't think they give paid leave, unless you get it easy huh high rank boy?
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 12:14 pm

Lyte couldnt help but smile and giggle a bit at the bickuring argument between Yomi and her Zan , 'Man, theyre like an old married couple haha.' When Yomi directed her attention more toward Lyte he looked down. He couldnt help but notice that it was actually her spirit who really was the little happy go lucky bitch.

He smiled and kept his gaze downward, "Yomi, I dont think, well I'd lioke to hope that I'm not gonna die anytime soon, however this surely wont help me anytime soon." He pulled out his old Zan's handle and flipped it around in the air before catching it and resheathing it. "To put a long story short, I killed my Zan spirit. Oh yes, apparently you can do such a thing," He gave the spirit an evil looking grin then turned back to Yomi. "So sadly, in order to try and regain my strengths I have to leave this place for good, cause frankly if I dont, I will be executed. Flat out. So no Yomi, I will no longer be a Lieutenant, and chances are we will never see each other again. As far as people in the SS go, even for you from now on, this never happened and I'm just MIA." He leaned over giving Yomi a hug and stood up and walked away. Just before leaving he looked over his shoulder to her, "Just take care of yourself alright?" He walked off into the woods and headed for the Senkaimon.
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Immature angry child
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 4:25 pm

He shouldn't really give Yomi ideas on how to kill a zan spirit. Then again if she did her life would return to normal, and all that happiness could be lived out, but she if she did do such a thing then well her family would kind of be upset, and a bunch of other people. No she would be fine putting up with the little whelp for long as she could really, which she hoped would be forever. It was then that he hugged her, now normally she would hit him, but frankly she was tired of pretending to someone else, so she just let him finish and begin to walk off, not a word spoken from her, as she didn't want to say good bye, as that meant never seeing them again, and at least this way the conversation wasn't finished, and they would need to finish it next time. Come on Itazura... lets begin... Begin what? More of your boring old training about nothing that matters. no... trying to understand what you said. Since if another is willing to leave in order to regain their life, and get something back then I have no real right to complain now do I? Heh you're not that bad of a kid are ya? and you're a little demon, but that's enough compliments for one day huh?

-Meanwhile over by the gate thing of justice-

Freeman stood by the gate, his LT. there as well. The wind seemed to be crisp, as the gate stood open by his decree. No one but the present party was watching as Lyte came towards them. Thank you for coming LT. I am sorry to hear of your problems, and I hope that you shall have a swift and speedy recovery. All is prepared you have a Gigai waiting for you within the Dangai, as well as the ample ways to escape from it when need be... I also set the coordinates to the proper place that you will need to go to meet with that person. All that rests is you, so then do you still wish to do this? You always have a choice, but I need to know if your resolve is strong, as you will need it more than you could possibly know.
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 4:40 pm

Lyte looked to the ground and Nodded. He clenched his fists and removed his Lt. Badge from his arm, and handed it to Chrispin. With a stern face He eyed both Chrispin and his Lt. "Im ready. I need to do this, whether I want to or not. This is the path I have chosen, and it is the path I must walk. My choice has been made." he nodded to the captain, "I appreciate all youve done for me and hope to see you again old friend." He grinned and shook Freemans hand and walked through the gate to the world of the living.

Once through the Gate Lyte opened his eyes to the "real" world once more. He looked around and saw old buildings, much greenary, and beer. Lots and lots of beer. Infront of a local pub flew a German flag, "Germany? Wow... How didnt I guess it sooner, heh." He walked around a bit and stretched his legs, after all it had been a while since in a gigai. He came upon an old Brewary house. It seemed a little run down and abandoned, but this was the place Freeman had told him of. Finding the entrance he jiggled the handle but it seemed to be locked. He pounded on the door but to no avail. Looking around to see if anyone was there he took a step back and kicked the door in. Walking in he looked around the large building. It seemed bigger on the inside. "Hello? Anyone here?" he shouted and heard his voice echo off the cobweb covered walls. "Man... Someones gotta be here, I mean, this is the place Freeman told me about right? God damnit..."
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 5:07 pm

It was a nice day, and a sunny day. Everyone seemed to be happy, out and about, the world was at peace. Everything seemed to be made of sun shine and rainbows. It was on this day like any other, a certain someone stirred within the walls of a churchs home. Gah... another day huh? Oh and it's sunny out too... great guess my hang over is once again give me more headaches... Sitting up, the figure let out a loud yawn, yelled, HEY FREDERICK, CAN I HAVE SOME WATER!?

The sound of footsteps climbing the staiirs outside rang true, as another figure made his way up towards the room. Opening the door a glass of water came flying towards the figure still in bed. Catching the girl within the bed just smiled towards the door, Thank you kindly~ Gah, get up already.... he stated as he moved within the room. His height being that of around six foot, his attire seeming to be nothing special, the only thing unique upon him was the cross he wore around his neck. His blonde hair shining in the windows light, his blue eyes meeting her own almost like, A prince! he has come to take me off my feet, and serve me free water forever, oh my girlish heart is in such adoration over you I can't stand it!!!

Walking over to her bedside, he just sighed slightly and then... proceeded to flip the bed upside down. Now get up. No time to be sitting around like it's nothing. Remember you said that you would get the groceries today.. But... but headache... fine, let me change.... and get ready... and have some of that crap we have downstairs....

It would be another hour before the girl would be all ready to head downstairs. Her strange attire just making her seem all the more weird. Well guess I had best due my part today for the "Church", cya Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re illy'O'Bri an'O'Sullivan! My name is not... Yeah yeah later! The doors would slam shut before he could respond. The man just turning to look towards the one whom wore his cross around his neck. Groceries huh? Yep, we got them hand delivered to us by some special source. So thus it shouldn't take too long now before we have them here, and nice and fresh. did you order fresh meat then I take it? Fresher than you would know... psh father. I don't know where she came up with that...
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 5:25 pm

He looked around after waiting about 15 minutes and got up, "You know what... To hell with it. Im hungry... for a beer." He stood up and walked outside. He looked around the streets and shrugged. Couldnt be to hard to find a beer in Germany. He walked around to find a local pub and headed in. He ordered a bottle of beer and swirled it around a little after popping off the cap. the glass bottle made an interesting sound as he swooshed the drink around inside it. Out the window he noticed something. A church off in the distance, but something about it seemed peculiar to him, like it told him to go there. He tossed the remainder of his beer in the garbage before heading out the the pub. He walked towards the church when he accidently bumped into a little girl. She was about 5ft tall with blonde hair and palish skin. He turned and noticed she had golden eyes as well. He weaved to her "Sorry," before he started walking back towards the church.
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Immature angry child
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 5:46 pm

The little girl seemed to skip throughout the town as the the other people went about their day. It wasn't too hard to find groceries within this town on this day though, which was a good thing. Plus she might be able to get a little treat too if it all worked out in time. It was then though she felt the bump of another upon her, it was someone whom seemed to be sorry for it. Sorry that little jerk knocked her hat, and even then he appeared to be like of a shinigami, his stupid reitasu pressure leaking all over the place, who the hell did he think he was... OH THOSE KIND OF GROCERIES! She yelled within the entire street, as her fist pounded into the palm of her hand.

Shifting her stance one hundred and eighty degrees the girl pointed towards Lyte, Heh, you are sorry huh? If you're really sorry then you should join me for my little errand hunting today. It would make up for everything that you just did, such as almost dent my hat. Also you should be lucky that I speak English, and a few other languages otherwise you wouldn't be chatting with anyone right now~ Her words seeming to just roll on top of each other as she spoke at a lightning pace. Her eyes glancing over towards the church, his destination she could guess, Oh if you are looking for a way to get that to that old church you can like totally follow me, and I will show you, but only after you help me with my errands. I already got the groceries but then I got to make sure the car is alright, and manage the trash. Not to mention it must be my turn to mow the lawn, but the last we can do back at my home... so what do you say? I speak english, and am willing to totally help you doode, I would take the offer man. You never know what might happen if you like don't.
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 6:06 pm

Lyte raised his eyebrow as the little girl butchered the english language with her 'california girl' slang. He shook his head and shrugged, "Eh what the hell. Sure Ill help you out." He looked at the church over his shoulder and then walked closer to the girl, He looked at her hat then back down to her "Neat hat. Anyway, Im Lyte. And you?" He kept in his hands in his pocket and followed her. "So, what do we have to do now? Well, other than butcher a language I mean." He sighed as he just kept in mind "All she's doing is making you tag along before you can go where you need to. just deal with it... You can do this."
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 6:38 pm

Well alright then, and my name is well just call me Alice, and behold for I am here in wonderland. Now then guess it's time to go see if the car is alright, should be once I get that part for huh? her words seeming to keep a rapid pace, as she herself began to move faster. Arriving shortly within the area that was the car dealer, Alice just smirked as she looked towards Lyte for a second, before going within the little shop and coming out a second later. Meh yeah it's fine, the tuning had to be done on it, but in reality it still works, which is great news. It could have been worse and we would have had to totally redo everything about the car. That would have taken a good month otherwise, oh well thanks for coming with me more fun this way than alone. Also good thing you aren't a tourist because these spots are all the boring ones.

She smile radiating off of her face like the sun, (Not really) as she moved now towards her next task. Managing the trash, this task was a bit rusty for her, as she hadn't managed it in a while, especially since because of that, those showed up within the damned garbage dump. It would be but a few minutes of her being silent, and walking for them to arrive within the garbage dump. Cracking her knuckles slightly she just sighed a bit, Hmm I wonder, I have to find it, but really where is it. Hmm do you think you could find it for me Lyte? it's pretty obvious once you see it, but it looks different each time. Hmm it also tends to make loud noises, and go after certain things as well, but meh we should be fine, it just is a bit annoying that it has to show up every day pretty much.
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 9:44 pm

As she walked around the dump Lyte nodded and started looking for 'it.' He didnt ask what "it" exaclty was because frankly he was bored out of his mind. Her words seemed to go in one ear and out the other. He went around one of the trash heeps and started looking around, Man, this sucks... Im in some stupid dump with some stupid little girl... All I awnna do is get to that church and hopefully start my training... Whatever the hell that may be." Just as he turned around the corner he saw something that he kinda couldnt help but notice. A hollow.

Okay, now thankfully the damn thing was asleep, which by the way, NEVER happens, but Lyte was now a bit perplexed. He thought back about the things that Alice had said, maybe... Could she be Freemans daughter? He took a few quiet stpes back and called her name, "Hey Alice? Umm, I think I found what you were looking for... Oh shit, RUN!" He bit his lip as he noticed that the hollow began to awaken and laugh as Lyte started to run. He had no Zan now so he couldnt possible kill this thing, I mean, its not like he were some kid on super taijutsu man of doom or something. He slid on the dirt and did a 1337 360 spin to face the hollow and he ran at it as fast as he could. The big dumb oaf swiped its powerful claw at Lyte, whome jumpped over it and Kicked the Hollow streight in the face. It flew back and landed on its back and rubbed its head. He looked back at Alice who stood with a big grin on her face and yelled to her, "If you really are the daughter of Freeman, please I reeeeeally hope you are but chances are youre not, Then do something, if not, run like hell!"
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 10:14 pm

It was quite the sight to see. If only she had actually gotten food, she could have watched it with popcorn, making even better. Nope though, she just had to sit there... bored, waiting for him to do something, quite amusing to say the least. The hollow was no more than a small fry, a small fry driven to hunger for a bigger catch in the form of the bait they had placed there, in order to make themselves not too bored. Seemed though it was a bit too much for him, hell this was sad, it was a basic level hollow, and he had to run from it. Depressing to say the least, but that is what Alice was here for she supposed. It was then that he came running up to her in a panic'd state, which was the way to approach her as teasing was the only way to go.

Freeman? What is that some kind of freedom movement or something? Behold we are the freeman whom wishes to do nothing but live FREE! God that would be a freaking awesome slogan wouldn't it? And it would really stick it to the man, yeah kick their asses right quick huh? As for whatever you are scared of it should be gone, I mean it's not like it's a giant monster with a white mask or anything right? Psh if anything you seem to be I don't know scared....

Her gaze looked up at him, as she tilted her hat out of the way, her face seeming to become serious, What's the matter? Why so scared, is this really all you can do... You're the saddest grocery trip I ever had to do then, especially since I do not hold any gummy bears within my hand. As for the threat that is behind you, I am disappointed in your response to it, I would at least hoped you would have had the courage to try to fight it, and in the very least feel somewhat like it is a duty to you, but since that isn't the case...

Her body dropping to the floor, the hollows noise silenced, as the blood from her impact sent it's various body parts flying towards all parts of the area, only to fade away. Standing among the ruins of the hollows, she turned to look back at him, her outfit being the same as a normal shinigami's, the only difference being the half destroyed captains robe upon her back, the sractched symbol being that of the northern squads. in all honesty, if what my father said is true, I wonder how it is that you are still alive... huh, Lyte Phtia, former lieutenant of Alpha west.... and now I doubt that it was skill, and guts, so it must be luck. Draw your weapon, I want to see what you will do if you can't run... Or will you still try, huh boy?
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 12:01 am

Lyte raised his eyebrow, "What the... Oh god damnit..." He sloped down and sighed. Now he looked like shit, compared to a little girl. She was right, who was he to run. He felt like without his sword he was useless. And lets face it... He was. "Gee thanks," he smirked, "Dont you think I would have faught the damn thing if I even HAD A WEAPON?" He pulled what remained of his Zan out and through it at the girl, skidding it across the gravel and dirt over to her feet. "There, you see Miss Freeman? As much as I wish this was a joke, its not. I killed my Zan spirit which frankly, I didnt even know it was possible." He continued to rant on abot the loss of his blade, "If Cpt. Freeman really is your father and youre the one who is supposed to help me explain to me this. Why the hell is it, that on my Zan spirits last breath, did he say that the only one who can take his place was Thanatos. The last time I heard that name was when I was told the name of my Inner Hollow. How the hell is a hollow supposed to become my new blade?! Whjat the fuck is going on with me?!? If you have any answers, please, tell me now cause I feel like Im goin' off the deep end here."

He fell down to his knees and punched the ground so hard his knuckles began to bleed. He sat and breathed heavily for a few seconds before he rose and gripped his Zan handle. "If you still wanna fight then fine, Im not much a challange to anyone anymore anyway." He Gripped the handle of his sword in his bloody fist and closed his eyes as he thought about what future he used to hold. Now he couldnt even see 10 seconds into his future, and he felt like he was all alone again.
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 6:31 pm

You ever felt as if no one ever listens to anything you say? That would be me right now, I told you to fight me, or do you believe that you still have a chance to talk this out? Did you have a chance to talk it out with that hollow, no you knew fear in front of it, you felt that you would die if you fought it. Please don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't want to die, my life is in shambles. That is what you felt in that moment. You didn't show any sign of passion, any sign of desire you showed only fear, just as you do now. Be it from logic or not, you are a pathetic excuse for a Shinigami, how you got Lieutenant rank is beyond me.

her words seeming to be like ice through the heart. Chilling to the ears, and bone shivering down to the core. It was not that she trying to be cruel but it was the truth, and it all that she saw from him.

Let me tell you something, all I have seen from you is I can't, I cannot do this, I cannot do that, even when faced with death, you just think I can't over, and over, and over again. it's all that goes throughout your head, it disgusts me to the core. To think that you wished for a power within your very soul, that you have no idea how to handle. You want to make sure that you are alright don't you? Let me ask you this. Why don't you want to see what kind of potential that you have, instead of thinking if you are alright. Why don't you fight me right now, and try your best, if I am the one whom you desire to meet with would it not be in your best interest to do such? Why didn't you fight the hollow, and attempt to defeat it, what would have happened if another had come along and the hollow had killed them? You would be at fault, it doesn't matter what your power is, it never did here, what matters is you commitment and your heart, both of which you lack to the point where what you desire will never happen. Don't even speak I know what you wish to gain, I know that my father must have said something and mentioned our name, well let me show you what you will never obtain.

Her right hand coming over her face, her Reiatsu seemed to explode over the area. Her hand clearing the way as a mask appeared upon her face. It was nothing special, but an all grey mask with eye slits, but at the same time it seemed to reek of a power that was corrupted to the core.

This is the power that you shall never see, this is the power that shall remain forever from you. Make no mistake child this power is one that comes with a victory, a victory that you cannot possibly understand, and a battle that you will have to face. Still you think that it will be easy, that you will only have to gather the courage at that moment to do it, don't you? You think it will be easy as pie, well let me tell you something child... in the six hundred years since I became this way, not one day goes bye that I do not hear her voice, and desires to take me over. It is a life filled with eternal torment at the thought of you falling into nothing but an animal. And I will not train someone whom I know is weak, for if I do destruction shall be all that is left within your wake, and then guess who will have to clean up the mess? It won't be me that's for sure, no more like Shin will have to with your level of power at that point.

He face stern, and her blade now pointed towards him, she sighed slightly, and glared towards him, Now then, will you flee like a coward, or face me head on? For if you flee never speak to me again, as I do not talk with worthless cowards, but if you do fight, you had best prepare yourself as I will not go easy on one such as you.
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 6:56 pm

As the cold, heartless, and truthful words pierced Lyte's ears he suddenly heard something inside him She's right you know. You will never gain my power byu acting like you do now. If you ever want to become powerful again let her teach you, let her mold you into something that can actually use me to your advantage. For if you dont, I will destroy you from the inside out, and turn you into that which you want to destroy everyday of your pathetic life. I will turn you into a hollow. Lyte shook his head and clenched his fists. His hand bled as he gripped his zan hilt. Heheheahaha, I cant wait to prove you wrong. Lytes eyes seemed to go from his purple color to an almost golden, more demonic look. The look of a hollow.

Lyte refused to let the Hollow inside him take over, however, if this is what he had to face, he needed to change. Alice was right, Lyte was trash right now, but that would be no longer. Lyte knew he had to change, become fierce, because the girl was right. Lyte chose to run where he should have faught. He needed to have that beast inside him that lurked for a fight, that needed to fight and needed to get out. He needed her help to become stronger, and he could not let her down.

He forced reiastu pressure to his hands, hopefully enough to become hardened so her Zan wouldnt completely cut them off. Locking eyes with Alice he spoke out, Im not going to lie, I have no idea how I'm going to stand up to you without a zan, but... He took a quick step forward and attempted to punch her in the face. How successfull it would be though, Lyte had no idea, all he was hoping was that he would survive long enough to win the girl over and train under her. Most likely not, but there was still a fools hope.
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:27 pm

That's a bit more like it... but I doubt if your words are from you, or because of what I said...

The girls own head dodging to the right as his fist would go flying past her. Her own body disappearing as she shunpo'd up into the sky. her body floating within the air, she just sighed slightly. This boy was good, but at the same time he was a bit too direct, a bad tactic to use against one stronger than you.

Let me warn you boy, there several different types of shinigami with the world. There are those whom use tircks, and weapon play to their advantage, while some like what you doing use strength to go all out, and crush their enemies, and then there are those like me... the ones whom use...

Raising her left hand towards the sky, she began to chant, as she pointed her right towards him.

"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" Bakudo sixty one, Rikujōkōrō, and "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" Hado sixty three, Raikōhō.

The kido flying towards Lyte would most likely hit, if the incantains didn't give them away. Judging though from his abilities so far however it was clear that he had little knowledge of kido in terms of the advanced arts, which was a shame.

Then are those whom use the art of spells. Kido, speaking of which I haven't introduced myself have I? I most likely should have before this whole battle started huh? Where are my manners, My name is Alice Freeman, former captain of North Beta, and the former captain of the Kido division within the Seireitei. Pleasure to meet you Lyte the Cowardly lieutenant.
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Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan
Father O'mally'O'Connel'O'Carrol'O'Re­­illy'O'Bri­an'O'Sullivan

Posts : 105
Join date : 2010-07-31
Age : 31
Location : Concord

Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:44 pm

Lyte grinned as his yellow eyes lit up. He sudenly spoke in a voice that was his own, however more demonic, I fucking hate Kido... As the 2 Kido flew towards him he sat there, waiting. At the oportune moment, though, just as it arose, a bind came over him, Oh god damnit... He looked up as the wave of energy came at him with great force and took it square in the face. As the smake began to fade, Lyte stood, Bloodied and beaten from the Kido. You know, I would really appreciate it if you didnt do that again, he said, shaking his finger. And by the way, I didnt get Lieutenant by choice, I got it because I was the only one left in the squad in which my primary Lieutenant died. If you asked me I didnt deserve the title.

Lyte cracked his knuckles and rolled his neck, Now then. He jumped up to Alice with great speed as he brought his fist back and swung it forward with much power. He was hoping he could knock her back down to the ground because lets face it, Flying, is not Lyte's forte.
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PostSubject: Re: Visit from an old, yet new, friend.    Visit from an old, yet new, friend.  I_icon_minitime

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