Age: How old are they? Be reasonable for living people, but who gives a crap about the dead… I mean keep it reasonable between this number and the detail in the background.
Gender: male or female, or if you are some twisted minded jerk who gets a kick off of this stuff, anything in between.
Height: How much more of a Mary Sue.. I mean how tall are they? Use inch’s and feet plox.
Weight: How fat are they… I mean what’s their weight, use lbs please.
Appearance: What does your character look like, please be as detailed as possible, even with a picture. No minimum line requirements but please make it longer than, “they wear pants, and a cool hat”.
Race: What race is your character aka, Caucasian, Asian, African American etc.
Soul race: Soul reaper, Hollow, Qunicy, Human, Bount? Pick one damn it.
Hair color: What color is your hair? Can be anything depending on what you are etc.
Eye color: What color are your eyes? Could be none if you don’t have any.
Body type: Trust me this can be almost anything depending on your soul race.
Country of origin: Where you were born on earth, (Yes that means no aliens, it has to be a real country… like Piecraninia)
Personality: How do they act alone, and all that junk, make this decent, and not “They hate everyone cause they do” add some depth.
General Aspects: This is where your general aspects are, and where you keep a tally on the number of +’s you have placed within them. For further details click
- Stamina:
- Reiatsu:
- Dexterity:
Race specific Aspects: Use the following part to put down what your race specific aspects are and how many points are spent within them. For further details click here
hereAbility: Put what you have created as your ability here *Must be pre approved before this profile to get abilities approved and their templates click
here* (Varies per race)
background: What has happened in your characters past? Again we do require a limit on how long this has to be nor how short, but please keep it at a nice length even if just starting out, also keep it proportional to your age please I don’t want a damn sentence or two for a four hundred and fifty year old character.
- Code:
[b]Soul race:[/b]
[b]Hair color:[/b]
[b]Eye color:[/b]
[b]Body type:[/b]
[b]Country of origin:[/b]
[b]General Aspects:[/b]
[b]Race specific Aspects:[/b]
[b]IC post count:[/b]